Meets virtually every second Thursday of each month from 2 – 3 pm
The Health Equity Workgroup is currently working on the Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Plus (SOGI+) Data Project which focuses on ensuring the cancer burden for sexual and gender minorities is represented through cancer surveillance data for this marganalized population. The SOGI+ Data Peoject includes serveral components that include collaboration with the California Cancer Registry to add appropriate categories to the cancer data dictionary, a data collection pilor with cancer centers, and education and awarenss activities.
Shannon Kozlovich, PhD, Co-Chair
Science and Policy ConsultantSora Park Tanjasiri, DrPH, MPH, Co-Chair
University of California, IrvineChao Family Comprehensive Cancer CenterAmerican Cancer Society
American Cancer Society, ACS Cancer Action Network,
Mills College and University of California, Berkley
Office of Community Engagement, UCSF Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center
Cedars Sinai, Cancer
Lourdes Baezconde-Garbanati, PhD, MPH
Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California
Morrigan Bruce, MPA
Cancer CAREpoint
Jen Jensen
UC San Diego Moores Cancer Center
California Area Indian Health Service
Cancer Support Community Los Angeles