California's Comprehensive Cancer Control Plan

NEW! State Cancer Plan Revision Items Available here.   

NEW! State Cancer Plan Dashboard Available on the CDPH site, view here.   

California’s Comprehensive Cancer Control Plan (cancer plan) is a blueprint to reduce the cancer burden in California. It is designed to provide guidance to individuals and organizations spanning a wide range of health and social disciplines that can play a role in controlling cancer. All aspects of the cancer continuum are addressed which include:

The Comprehensive Cancer Program is charged with leading the development, distribution, and coordination of implementation of the plan through CDOC. California's first state cancer plan was created in 2004 with support from the first comprehensive cancer control grant. The fourth iteration of California's cancer plan is currently being revised. The new plan will span ten years and include priorities to be achieved and support continued cancer control efforts through 2035. The current iteration (2021-2025) of California's cancer plan includes goals and objectives to be achieved by 2025.   

2021-2025 Cancer Plan 

Access all objectives and strategies here.

Help disseminate the State Cancer Plan - Download dissemination document here

Report your State Cancer Plan Project here.

2011-2015 Cancer Plan 

2009 Cancer Plan 

2004 Cancer Plan