Call To Action

How You Can Get Involved

California's Comprehensive Cancer Control Plan, 2021-2025 presents an assessment of the cancer burden, goals, objectives, and strategies for the 4-year period of 2021-2025 and will serve as an essential guide for cancer control efforts in California.

This plan presents an assessment of the cancer burden, goals, objectives, and strategies for this 4-year period (2021-2025) and will serve as an essential guide for cancer control efforts in California.

There are many ways to GET INVOLVED and help implement the cancer plan! Below is a list of various things you can do.

If you are a physician or health insurer

  • Ensure patients are screened for cancer (following the most recent guidelines).

  • Implement an effective cancer screening reminder system.

  • Refer patients to smoking cessation classes and nutrition programs.

  • Submit complete cancer case reports promptly to the state registry.

  • Refer and encourage patients to enroll in cancer clinical trials.

If you are a local health department

  • Provide cancer information and resources to the community.

  • Work together in community health activities and awareness events.

  • Work with physicians to promote screening programs and case reporting.

  • Provide space for survivor support groups.

If you are a community-based organization (CBO)

  • Provide cancer information and resources to clients.

  • Promote cancer screening among clients.

  • Encourage patients to participate in cancer clinical trials.

  • Collaborate with other interested groups and community members to provide community programs on cancer prevention and screening.

If you are an employer

  • Provide healthy foods in vending machines and cafeterias.

  • Collaborate with health care institutions to host screening events.

  • Establish a worksite wellness committee.

  • Offer employee benefits such as health insurance that promotes cancer prevention measures like smoking cessation aids and prevention screening.

If you are a school or university

  • Include cancer prevention messages in health classes.

  • Provide healthy foods in vending machines and cafeterias.

  • Increase physical education requirements.

  • Make your entire campus a smoke-free environment.

  • Encourage healthy, "sun-safe" behaviors (around campus, in lounges, in health/science buildings, in the student health center, etc.)

If you are a faith-based organization

  • Provide cancer prevention information to members.

  • Provide healthy foods at church activities.

  • Provide indoor space for walking clubs when the weather is inappropriate.

  • Make your events smoke-free.

If you are a professional organization

  • Provide cancer information and resources to constituents.

  • Educate constituents on the importance of promoting cancer clinical trials.

  • Support cancer awareness activities of local affiliates.

  • Provide training on cancer control.

If you are a Californian

  • Eat well and exercise to maintain a healthy weight.

  • Wear sunscreen often and avoid indoor tanning.

  • Get vaccinated for preventable cancers such as HPV and Hepatitis B.

  • Avoid/quit smoking in all, not only smoke-free areas, and environments.

  • Become a CDOC member and join our dynamic group of committed and dedicated stakeholders who work collaboratively to reduce the burden of cancer in California.

Becoming a member allows you to stay updated on cancer control activities in our state and participate in California’s discussion on cancer prevention and control.

  • Volunteer to support cancer-related activities in your community.

  • Participate in cancer research through surveys and trials.

  • Help promote and disseminate the state cancer plan

If you are a hospital

  • Submit complete cancer case reports promptly to the state registry.

  • Collaborate to sponsor community screening programs.

  • Acquire or maintain American College of Surgeons membership.

  • Implement an efficient patient navigation system.

By doing your part, you can help the state cancer registry stay up-to-date and revolutionize our cancer surveillance to best serve Californians.