Call To Action

How You Can Get Involved

California's Comprehensive Cancer Control Plan, 2021-2025 presents an assessment of the cancer burden, goals, objectives, and strategies for the 4-year period of 2021-2025 and will serve as an essential guide for cancer control efforts in California.

This plan presents an assessment of the cancer burden, goals, objectives, and strategies for this 4-year period (2021-2025) and will serve as an essential guide for cancer control efforts in California.

There are many ways to GET INVOLVED and help implement the cancer plan! Below is a list of various things you can do.

If you are a physician or health insurer

If you are a local health department

If you are a community-based organization (CBO)

If you are an employer

If you are a school or university

If you are a faith-based organization

If you are a professional organization

If you are a Californian

Becoming a member allows you to stay updated on cancer control activities in our state and participate in California’s discussion on cancer prevention and control.

If you are a hospital

By doing your part, you can help the state cancer registry stay up-to-date and revolutionize our cancer surveillance to best serve Californians.