Treatment & Survivorship
To improve California cancer survivors’ quality of follow-up care and quality of life, and treatment outcomes through increased awareness, education, and access to survivorship and supportive treatment resources and services, including survivorship care plans that incorporate treatment objectives.
Treatment and Survivorship focus on enhancing the quality of life and treatment options from diagnosis through the end of life. The following objectives and strategies address how those in treatment and survivorship can access more treatment options while receiving improved palliative and supportive care, leading to long-term improvements in patients’ physical and mental health.
At the earliest stages of treatment, access to and education about available clinical trials is critical to addressing the treatment gap within diverse populations. All cancer patients should receive timely, clinically appropriate, diagnostic, and therapeutic care. Improved supportive care, particularly in exercise, sexual health, and intimacy, and addressing fear of recurrence will provide improved outcomes for patients. Furthermore, increased support for patients facing financial distress due to rising healthcare costs will improve patient outcomes in treatment and survivorship. By bringing these key issues upfront for those in treatment and survivorship, we can begin to address the growing needs of those living with and living beyond cancer.
The following objectives do not currently have identified baseline measures and may be established as part of an implementation plan.
Objective 1:
By 2025, increase enrollment of diverse populations in cancer clinical trials (therapeutic and non-therapeutic trials).
Data Source: TBD
Create new funding incentives to develop new trials that focus on diverse populations and to increase diversity of patient pool that participates in existing clinical trials.
Promote a minimum percentage of diverse patient populations in clinical trials.
Increase patient, caregiver and clinician education on clinical trials which focuses on reducing stigma and misconceptions, as well as overall understanding, of clinical trials so that patients can make a more informed treatment choice regarding standard cancer care versus clinical trials available.
Increase awareness among auxiliary clinical trials staff about the importance of including diverse populations in clinical trials and the impact on study outcomes.
Objective 2:
By 2025, increase the number of patients who receive supportive care during and after treatment addressing some of the most overlooked issues, including sexual health, intimacy, and fear of recurrence.
Data Source: TBD
Create a standardized model of supportive care assessment to offer to patients as they complete treatment.
Assemble and distribute a comprehensive list of state-wide and national resources that are available for patients to address psychosocial impact of treatment.
Educate nurse navigators and hospital social workers about stigmatized issues in the survivorship community including sexual health, intimacy, fatigue, and fear of recurrence.
Expand educational resources available to patients who experience challenges to long-term wellbeing during survivorship including sexual health, intimacy, and fear of recurrence.
Objective 3:
By 2025, increase the quality of care, improve the standard of care in treatment, and increase clinical trial education with patients.
Data Source: TBD
Educate health care providers on treatment standards.
Provide health care professionals with training to explain clinical trials to patients.
Encourage communication of cancer treatment goals with patients. The patient and their families are included in the informed treatment decision of Cure, Comfort, or Control.
Encourage patients and families to learn more about information on clinical trials.
Community-based organizations are encouraged to develop and tailor existing resources to provide patient education as well as advocate for clinical trials.
Focus efforts on underserved populations.
The following objectives do not currently have identified baseline measures and may be established as part of an implementation plan.
Objective 1:
By 2025, increase awareness and achievement of exercise guidelines for cancer survivors set by the American College of Sports Medicine (i.e. 150 min/week of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise).
Data Source: TBD
Educate health care providers on the value of exercise for cancer patients and survivors.
Support CME courses, conferences, and education material for oncology providers.
Support the training of exercise trainers with oncology certification (i.e., through the American College of Sports Medicine [ACSM]).
Promote the Moving Through Cancer initiative (through the ACSM) which has developed a searchable registry to help health care providers, exercise professionals, and patients find appropriately trained professionals and programs in their communities.
Encourage gyms and community centers to promote exercise programming for cancer survivors.
Promote the development of technology (such as web-based applications and the use of smartphones) to encourage cancer survivors to engage in activity and optimal exercise guidelines.
Objective 2:
By 2025, decrease the number of patients with cancer who experience financial distress through healthcare costs during and after cancer treatment (including preventative screenings and post-treatment maintenance).
Data Source: TBD
Support efforts to reform health insurance by passing policies that help people affected by cancer, specifically, a definition of “medically necessary” treatments that treatments also previously listed in the “experimental” classification.
Provide eligibility requirements and deadlines for California and national financial resources to health care providers to distribute to people diagnosed with cancer to help pay for treatment-associated costs.
Educate financial navigators and encourage patients to meet with a financial navigator who will teach patients cost-savings programs and health insurance options.
Work with hospitals and medical centers to provide transparency related to prices so that both physicians and patients know the costs of medications, tests, and treatments before deciding what treatments and tests to choose.