CDOC Projects

CDOC works to facilitate implementation of objectives and strategies in the State Cancer Plan. CDOC workgroups, in collaboration with cancer control members throughout the state work on projects related to increasing colorectal cancer and lung screening, addressing health equity, and improving cancer survivorship outcomes. Other projects and collaborations outside of workgroups are also formed that contribute to reaching the goals in the State Cancer Plan.

NEW RFA RELEASE! Cancer Survivorship: Enhancing Psychosocial Support for Cancer Survivors FY24-25 to learn more click here. 

Breast and Colorectal Cancer Screening Implementation Project (BCCSIP) FY24-25 to learn more click here.

Breast and Colorectal Cancer Screening Implementation Project (BCCSIP) FY23-24 to learn more click here.

Breast and Colorectal Cancer Screening Implementation Project (BCCSIP) FY22-23 

The Breast and Colorectal Cancer Screening Implementation Project (BCCSIP) FY22-23 reflects a collaborative effort between the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) Every Woman Counts (EWC) program, the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Comprehensive Cancer Control Program (CCCP), the California Dialogue on Cancer (CDOC), and the California Colorectal Cancer Coalition (C4).  The focus of the project is on adding evidence-based interventions to existing breast and colorectal cancer screening initiatives within Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC) with the aim of increasing screening rates for both cancers. Click here to learn more. 

Colorectal Cancer Workgroup 

The Colorectal Cancer (CRC) Workgroup has developed a continuing medical education (CME) program targeting primary care physicians and FQHC providers on the clinical impacts of recent state and national policies affecting both the provision and reporting of care for patients at risk for colorectal cancer.  View the updates and recording here. In addition, this workgroup will be working with the Department of Health Care Services to increase colorectal cancer screening in California’s Medi-Cal patients by developing a collaborative plan and identifying tools and best practices.

Health Equity Workgroup 

Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Plus (SOGI+) Data Project focuses on ensuring the cancer burden for sexual and gender minorities is represented through cancer surveillance data. The SOGI+ Data Project is comprised of three components:

Data Collection:

1. CA Cancer Registry Collaboration

2. Cancer Centers Pilots

Outreach and Education:

3. Education and Awareness

Clinical Trials Task Force In collaboration with the CDOC Health equity Workgroup, other workgroups and the CDOC Cancer Centers Collaborative, we have convened this joint task force to help address diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in clinical trials. Although California’s NCI-designated cancer centers have dedicated staff to addressing DEI in clinical trials there is still a need for the project as the main issue being lack of access among other things. The objective of the task force is to assess and examine barriers, challenges, and make recommendations. 

Survivorship Workgroup 

The Survivorship Workgroup is currently focused on creating a sustainable database of California resources for improving survivorship, improving diversity in clinical trials, and promoting strategies for maintaining a healthy lifestyle after a cancer diagnosis. 

Cancer Centers Collaborative 

The CDOC Cancer Centers Collaborative effort aims to implement the state cancer plan and foster collaborations that will ultimately lead to improvement in cancer prevention and control, survivorship outcomes, and disparities. Recommendations identified by this collaborative include: 


The collaborative meets quarterly and includes representation of all eight of California’s NCI-designated Cancer Centers as well as several COC accredited cancer centers throughout California.